CLFC eco-village meeting – 10 am Saturday 22nd May

It has been wonderful to meet with some of you individually and I hope that all who are interested in being part of the community in Landbeach will be able to view the property before the meeting. I’d like to use the meeting to begin to get to know each other, discuss our feelings and ideas on the Landbeach site, and also to organise some sub-groups to work on different areas of the project and also invite people to join the board of Cambridge CLT.

Emily Mulvaney will be joining us at the meeting, and she will be helping us with applying for grant funding for the planning phase and also funding to purchase the site.

I also communicated with Julie Fletcher head of housing strategy at South Cambs District Council – we met with her and the planners in 2016 and they were very supportive of the project, and we will be meeting with her in the near future.

Please join us at The Therapy Room 25 Oxford Road Cambridge CB4 3PH.

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  1. Giacomo on 13th May 2021 at 8:47 pm

    That’s great news Damien, I’m looking forward to the meeting!

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