Outcomes from CLFC Open Meeting 10th March


It was very good to meet you all (those who could make it to the meeting last night), I hope it was successful in updating you on where the project has progressed from and to, so far.

There are a number of important points that came from the meeting –

1. Money –
a. we have set up a community bank account in order to build a ‘fighting fund’. If you feel it is appropriate please do contribute what you can, as it is vital for the purchase of land, early planning costs, and to attracting the interest of grant funders and lenders. Whatever amount however small will help.

b. A crowd funding exercise was suggested as a means to raise funds for a specific part of the project – this could be the purchase of land. One innovative way of making this more valuable to investors is to offer packages of services in exchange for a particular donation – please see http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/thehappypig

c. Investors – if there are any of you that do have money that you would like to invest in the project in this current phase,please do contact me to discuss how it may work.

2. Land
a. We discussed Sawston quarry as one site option, but it is clear that we need some links to the community and parish council of Sawston and Stapleford – if anyone does have links or ideas please let me know.
b. It is important that ‘we do not put all our eggs in one basket’ so please do let me know if there is any land/ landowner that you know of who may be willing to site us.

3. Survey
Thank you for all of you have completed the CLFC survey, if you haven’t yet completed it, or know of someone else interested please send them to http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/150733SEUOW to register their interest and express their wants/needs/contributions.

4. Skill shares/ work groups
It was suggested in the meeting that it can be very useful to work together in small groups focusing on different interests/ skills/passions within the group. If anyone is interested in developing this and also creating a better platform to communicate work together online, please do let me know. Yinka Lawal​ suggested a platform that may aid with involving all of us in digital decision making called localeyes.

5. Next meeting
It is proposed that we meet again in another month, but I also see the value of meeting up in a more social environment – if you have any ideas please let me know.


  1. Michael Gould on 11th March 2015 at 9:37 pm

    On behalf of both of us I will send £100. Could also put more into start -up capital. Is how explained on the web-site ? Not enthused by Waterbeach possibility.For us half way between Saffron Walden and Cb is completely ideal

    • Midge on 7th May 2016 at 3:14 pm

      He visto este curioso sitio www dando vueltas por el net. Me parece muy interesante su contenido y la forma como esta presentada. He guardado este web site en mis bookmarks y inadbudlemente voy a venir por aqui a menudo. Gracias.

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